The Onion and its six-member editorial board do not listen to outsiders. Nor do we listen to data, facts, polls, the U.S. government, or the widely panned Geneva Conventions.
Lest readers doubt the value of our endorsement, we ask them to remember 2016, when voter complacency almost put Hillary Clinton in the White House before The Onion stepped in.
We really dodged a bullet on that one! (/j)
But The Onion and its six-member editorial board do not listen to outsiders. Nor do we listen to data, facts, polls, the U.S. government, or the widely panned Geneva Conventions.
I love it.
Joe Biden may be young by Washington standards
They really aren’t pulling their punches!
I guess none of you noticed the editorial board has a signature from Ted Kaczynski, aka Unabomber.
Its a reoccurring gag.