Remember there’s a good number of Canadians that would want to be apart of the US. Talk to them … try to listen … bring them back to reality if you can.
Remember there’s a good number of Canadians that would want to be apart of the US. Talk to them … try to listen … bring them back to reality if you can.
Nah, don’t use 1password, what you need instead is “one password”
I cancelled a California and New York to see friends that I dearly miss. I told them I’ll meet them on neutral grounds outside instead.
I know the amount of money I’ll be spending is nothing in the grand scheme of things but I’m just not gonna do it.
Like, I think we understood that TV was bad for us. That’s why we tried to restrict advertisements and had these types of controls on shows and stuff because we knew it could be dangerous.
No reason it shouldn’t be on the Internet too. I know the “free” Internet people will hate me, but the ones with the biggest pockets are eroding the foundations of our democracy. Let’s not sit back and just take things as they are.
I feel the spirit of Luigi when I hear these stories.
Ontario will rip up its $100-million deal with Elon Musk’s Starlink internet provider and U.S. companies will be banned from procurement contracts as part of the province’s response to President Donald Trump’s tariffs on Canadian goods.
I probably want a follow-up when this is confirmed.
I want rural Ontarians and all Canadians to have good Internet, but I would like it to be without enriching someone cosplaying as a bond villain trying to overthrow the world.
I signed up for Sync! I can start migrating off of Google Drive.
I’m skipping Walmart for Longos. I used to go McDs once a week (when I’m lazy), I’ll be going to some real family restaurants instead.
Instead of BestBuy, I’ll go Canada Computers
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good everyone!
This needs to be placed everywhere.
Even Runaway Jury and stuff man … he was great.
Orr was “baffled” why we hate Gretzky. Fuck the both of them.
I don’t know anything about Shopify. I think I had the Shop app installed to track orders but I uninstalled that. Anybody else know what I could do to remove any more Shopify from my life?
I was planning three trips to the states. San Francisco, New Jersey and LA to see friends at various points in the year.
I’ve cancelled them all. I told my friends that I would meet them on neutral or friendly ground but not a single bit of my money will be spent going there.
All of these companies should have government spies in them all the time. They obviously can’t be trusted to do the right thing.