Among other lols:

The proposal for a 60-kilometre tunnel is emblematic of the hollowness at the centre of the government’s ideology. It would cost some unknown tens of billions of dollars and have little effect on congestion. None of that matters to Mr. Ford. He wants to be seen to be on the side of drivers and that makes it worth any price.

It would be nice if Mr. Ford was as committed to some of his own past promises. In 2018, he pledged to cut income taxes for the middle class. He said then the move – cutting the second tax bracket from 9.15 per cent to 7.32 – would save families as much as $786 a year. That cut never materialized.

Instead Mr. Ford has made a series of populist pocketbook gestures, such as eliminating the fee to renew licence plates. Then he sent $200 cheques which landed in Ontarians’ mailboxes as the election campaign was underway.

    16 days ago

    He’s really not though, and neither is Trump. They’re the face of their parties, but being the PC leader was just another way for Doug the drug dealer to get elected somewhere else after his brother made such a hot mess of municipal politics. He’s a brand. He bends any way the winds of popularity blow him. Probably many of the dyed in the wool conservatives of his party don’t like it, but the ones who want a job will hold their nose and go along.