Mark Carney, Canada’s likely next prime minister, continues to be held in high regard across the Atlantic, where he spent the better part of the last decade.
Mark Carney, Canada’s likely next prime minister, continues to be held in high regard across the Atlantic, where he spent the better part of the last decade.
Interesting perspective by Europeans. Although his association with big money makes me a bit nervous. He’s just another servant of the Billionaires isn’t he.
He’s a different kind of man, a different kind of economist. He has morals and does what he believes is right (every job he’s been offered he’s discussed with his wife and daughters before making a decision).
He’s honest as the day is long, and never avoids the tough questions. He doesn’t blame anyone else for his decisions, and tells it like it is when faced with political-type choices.
He’ll be able to handle Trump like nobody’s business and I suspect already has a plan laid out to do so.
I honestly don’t think there’s anyone else who could get us out of this Trumpian mess better than Carney.
He has a plan and has also said he doesn’t negotiate in public. Which is the right thing to do.
The good news is that he is indeed well regarded by Europes elite.
The bad news is that is he is well regarded by European elites.
Anyone in the system is a servant of the billionaires, and that is most of us. The masters tools and all that. I don’t know about you, but I’m not living a life of subsistence farming in some forgotten plot of land with no meaningful interaction with the outside world.
But that doesn’t mean servants can’t or won’t look out for other servants.
I wish more people got that point.
Just yesterday, a friend asked me how I can be anti-capitalist while still working for a corporation, making good money.
My answer was simple. What the fuck else am I going to do? I don’t really have options.
Public service?
Yep, that’s the job description!
On the other hand, his connections with the billionaire class might be quite useful in getting them to invest in our country at a time when the economy is in a rough spot and could use the help. Ideally we wouldn’t be in a position where that was important, but we shouldn’t let perfect be the enemy of good.