Trump’s threats to Canada are not idle boasts and shouldn’t be taken as such. They call for a whole of society response.

    11 days ago

    Ah yes. I’m glad we can be so confident the current administration would never do something foolish or damaging to themselves or others.

    Also it only took them days to stop multi drug resistant tuberculosis treatment half way, and giving countless babies HIV that wouldn’t have had it, if not for the recent actions of this administration. Or blatantly and loudly planning an ethnic genocide. Also following the putin method by the letter, and letting Russian media into the oval office while they try to put down Zelenskyy.

    Hmm, what is the Russian ‘go to’ behaviour for shared borders?

    I think we need to be developing anti drone tech among other things. I’m not saying it will happen, and it would likely instigate or be included in a civil war. I would usually think all of this sounds crazy, but we live in unprecedented times, full of familiar historical rhymes. I’m sure their preference is to take over without having to actually fight, so they can grow their power, but also things might escalate as they continue to rob and abuse the masses. There are more reasons than i can summize here, but I think pretending there is no danger is wilfully ignorant at this point. I hope for the best, but I don’t trust these people to not be thoughtlessly monstrous.