I see. Well, when t’la closes they can take over the space. I know a couple who runs a food delivery service in town, using used ev’s bought cheap. Last time I talked with them, maybe last summer, they said they were on their 14th personal EV, the most recent purchase being a Polestar. They seemed quite happy with it, and dang, they’ve tried a lot of EVs so that says something. Also I’ll note that their delivery cars get driven to near zero and charged to full 100% without any harm to the batteries.
As a US citizen, regretfully I suggest you do as little business with US companies as makes sense for your goals. Until business leaders ‘feel the pain’ this horrible situation in the US will continue. As citizens we are doing what we can, but all three branches of government have been taken over by traitors. It’s a dangerous situation, and likely to get more dangerous moving forward. I hope, that in the near future, somehow we will return to normalcy.