Good. We know we’re in good hands.
Good. We know we’re in good hands.
I used to look for submarines for a living. But you don’t have to believe me:
Important note: The “Nuclear” in “Nuclear attack submarine” means that it is powered by a nuclear reactor. It does not refer to its armament. An “attack” submarine means it is designed to attack ships and other submarines and these are typically not capable of carrying and launching ICBMs. Nuclear-armed deterrent submarines are called Ballistic Missile Submarines.
To be accurate, this is a nuclear propelled attack submarine. It does not carry nuclear warheads and is not what we normally call a “nuclear deterrent”.
He can’t take a clear ‘no’ for an answer. No wonder he’s a convicted rapist.
I’d be hoping that Trump’s time in power would be far outlived by the F-35 program and would be only a footnote in the history of friendship between Canada and the US. But nobody who knows what the future has in reserve.
B: It doesn’t matter how noncredible a plan it is. Trump has pulled every lever he can to do what he wants unhindered by anyone with a functioning brain and now he wants to annex the country by trying to destroy its economy, even if it doesn’t succeed at annexing the country, he will still damage Canada’s economy.
C: Canada controls the Northwest passage and is the key to controlling the Arctic. By itself it is forecast to become a viable and profitable shipping route thanks to global warming. It is about to become a huge economic lever against China’s exports. There is a reason why Trump wants to control the Panama canal again as well.
D: Resources: There is a vast wealth of minerals and potentially undiscovered oil about to become cheaply accessible once the North opens to shipping. There is also a huge reserve of fresh water that the US covets.
There is a reason why Russia is pushing to take control of the North. Even China made claims that they are a “near arctic state” which is laughable, but clearly indicates that they want to throw their hat into the ring to gain access to the wealth that buried below ground there.
They want to annex Canada and they misguided belief is that damaging Canada’s economy will facilitate that. Fentanyl is just an obvious pretext.
He saw that Canada’s economical troubles has hurt Trudeau’s approval ratings and pushed the vote towards the Conservatives. He thinks that damaging Canada’s economy more will create a movement to join the US.
How severely misguided. He clearly didn’t see how the very suggestion of the US annexing Canada has resulted in a huge change in the polls. Canada will bite the bullet and go through the pain of rearranging its economical supply chain and partners long before they allow themselves to be ruled by that moronic tyrant.
I thought it was common knowledge already by that point. He wants Canada’s resources and strategically advantageous geographical location.
The US government is broke. The spending and debt are out of control and their political system has become too dysfunctional to fix it intelligently. He hopes that annexing Canada and exploiting its resources unhindered by regulation will magically solve the problem.
Canadians, do not fall for it. Trump wants you to work in his mines.
It’s already rich. The wealth is just held by like 6 guys.
Anywhere that isn’t a high needs retirement home or a mental hospital is out of his element
My current job is to operate electronic sensors on board of an aircraft. I used to work with anti-submarine helicopters. The kind of helicopters that usually operate from a military ship. Now I’ve been moved to work on a search and rescue aircraft. It’s a nice change to be looking for people who actually want to be found.