There was one dude who was an antisemitic rightwinger and seemed to start adopting softer stances like “You can’t really blame Jews for being bankers historically, its just kind of where they ended up being pushed into by other religious groups. It doesn’t make sense to hate them for that.” or something to that effect. And he even started mixing some left & right leaning econ together.
That is the most notable example I can think of at the top of my head. But there were little bits and pieces that got chipped away I think for each interaction for the more open minded debaters I argued with.
Some were extremely stubborn though. I remember an anarcho-capitalist that was just dripping with disgust for socialists and basically never budged. He was a Youtuber too, I don’t remember his name though. Motherfucker hated me lol.
I think I’m done doing this though. I’ve done the work of being a patient debater for too long. I just want to give into hedonistic mud slinging at this point because I kind hate to say it but I think the world might be politically doomed anyway. I might as well get my jollies.
I just burned all my patience to nothing obsessing for so long. Decades of my life. And even if I somehow recover my political energy, I’ll still be living with the knowledge that my country let Trump win a second time. That 70% either voted for Trump or failed to vote against him and let him win. Its really hard to have hope with that knowledge. I’ll probably just kind rage for a bit, and then when I save enough money I want to flee to some other country if possible.
You don’t need to worry about insulting me. I probably deserve some insults.
I hope you manage to avoid the bitter void that I’ve fallen into.