Don’t mess with Canada and we won’t mess with you.
Don’t mess with Canada and we won’t mess with you.
Canada has always been “woke”. What? You want to sleepwalk into a dictatorship?
Cool I can now have steel to build my robot.
I like to keep my pension and EI benefits thank you very much.
Meh. Remember how he made Mexico pay for the wall? But really it was the American public that paid for it? Ahahahaha. Orange insecure man.
After they elected Trump the first time, I knew that something was seriously wrong with that country and haven’t returned since (and don’t plan to).
Eat your fibres, everyone.
As somebody who works in industry… I’m pro-environmental assessment law.
Any large projects should be assess appropriately to keep the public/workers safe and keep pollution down to a minimum. We are not living in the 1950s anymore.
The only time I use ketchup is when I’m eating fries/burger/hotdog. So I don’t use it often. Do I really need to put that on my fries/burger/hotdog? No. It’s really just highly processed tomato sauce with sugar, so you could just use tomato sauce and mix it with some sugar I guess.
Nobody should be using Titter… Sorry I meant Twitter. Please continue to use Titter.
It will be redrawn in canada’s favour.
Only Nazis hate Canadians. Because we are very good at destroying Nazis. It’s our national past time.