<Checks to see if it is The Onion, or not. >
<Checks to see if it is The Onion, or not. >
This woman is a shit-stain on AB.
I don’t like him as a person.
But I set that aside, because his policies were the most human/humane behind the NDP - who just don’t have the experience or, honestly, the chance to run this country.
I’ve voted conservatives - in the 80’s even. But these guys ARE NOT CONSERVATIVES by anything other than name.
Trudeau did a great job!! Given the world circumstances, he did out-fucking-standing!
Credit where it’s due!
But he rubs me the wrong way.
See beyond him, and you’ll see “The Guy you WANT running things”.
If all you can see is the proportional rep ball that WAS dropped (a clear over-promise), then the problem isn’t/wasn’t him - It’s YOU.
“I …just don’t like him.”
Is, after MANY years of asking/probing, the ONLY honest answer I’ve ever gotten. …ever.
Had it a few times too. After reducing arguments down patiently.
Ultimately, these people who hate him vote like a high-school popularity contest, in stead of thinking with their lonely 2 remaining brain-cells.
Either that or they are simply insulted that someone could know more about something than their snapshot opinion. They take offense to realizing they are just ignorant. So they lash out.
That’s my assessment after looong, mostly civil conversations.
He’s not. peepee is, but if you’rea POS supporting peepee, well…. You’ve gotta project onto others! It’s their way.
LOL at the idiocy:
-But he’s never had an elected position!!
Unless he took over a small country when we weren’t looking, …how would you even know? By the progressive policies he supported…oh wait, THAT’S democracy!
He’s a dictator, dictaator!
Slow clap <nodding with approval>
Fuck yeeeah!
Gimme a quality rifle. I’ll keep it locked up safe. I will take it out once a month and practice. If I abuse it; take it away. If I shoot anyone other than an enemy to my country, you can do as you will with me as long as Canada remains a sovereign nation.
Ignoring the fact that the US government has been dismantled and replaced by a dictator, and the rule of law will be dictated by him.
NOBODY has the power to enforce the rules in government anymore! Who? WHO?
Except “The People” - en masse!
…and americans are soft and fat now and unable to resist, much less fight against a dictator who has put them under his heel.
Until you put your rabid dog down-fast, and hard, America is NOT welcome in Canada!
Fuck you, America!
None of those statements are supported by any facts, or data. The opposite is mostly true.
You want to manufacture an invasion?
This WILL hurt the average American more than it will us.
Shit, yes he would.
He’s already met with American health care companies on a regular basis.
Doug Ford too. I’ll overlook that lately though as he’s at least lashing out at the US.
Poilievre is a far cry from a Canadian patriot. He’s not even a nationalist.
He is supported publicly by Elon and Trump.
He’ll sell us out in 10 minutes for HIS gain.
Mark my words!
And we ALL could have moved forward together. We’ve cooperated for 100 years on disasters, wars, disease, crime, science, trade, climate, oil, etc. You name it.
Ho, wait…. america says it doesn’t need friends anymore - unless they are Russian.
Have fun!
So will OUR taffifs on electricity, potash, and of course oil.
The citizens of America will pay crazy amounts for power, gas, and most of the fertilizer you grow crops with!
Oh ya! No migrant labour in the fields either - shit even Canada relies on them to harvest our food.
America, you want to treat your closest friend and ally this way?
Either put your orange dog down, or fuck off!
And pave the way for an American takeover of Canada.
Fick you peepee.
Ya, …welcome to BC as well.
Bear country?
…BARE country now.
Doug lubes up his dick to screw Ontario folks into American style private health care.
Good list!