27 days ago…which was done to give her the best odds she could have in the speedrun campaign by a party that avoided having a real primary and instead pushed a candidate that did abysmally in the last primary.
Biden should have committed to being a single term president and we should have had a real primary in 2024. Or at least just the usual degree of Democrat primary ratfucking.
I can’t. However, if we’d had a real primary it almost certainly wouldn’t have been Harris that won it, she did so horribly the previous time around.
She was VP because candidates usually pick a VP that they perceive as being strong where they are weak, and a young biracial BIPOC woman is what Biden saw as shoring up his weak spot of being an ancient and utterly milquetoast white guy who only got the spot because he had already been VP, and was VP in turn because Obama specifically wanted a boring milquetoast white dude to help balance perceptions of him.