Why have a team that constantly tests your Opsec when you plan to just let the KGB in through the front door?
Why have a team that constantly tests your Opsec when you plan to just let the KGB in through the front door?
My company literally works with car dealerships (i.e. they’re our clients), and those numbers are suspicious as fuck.
1200 sales of even ICE cars would be extremely odd at a single dealership in a single day. Most get a few hundred in a month.
But Elon is not smart enough to know any of that, and it would not surprise me if they find out he ordered this cockamamie scheme directly.
This is really helpful. I’ve been wanting to get started, like OP, but knowing how to do it feels overwhelming.
TBH, this sounds like something to ask a lawyer. Since you’re in France, there may or may not be statutes that protect witnesses or people trying to cooperate with law enforcement, and a lawyer who’s familiar with your laws would be able to give you correct advice.
And in the event they give you bad advice, there may also be protections regarding “following the advice of counsel.” In the US, following in good faith some bad advice from lawyers can result in protections or immunity from certain charges.
So do yourself a favor and get some proper legal advice.
Good luck, y’all. If Canada manages to avoid the global shift to the alt-right, it will be one of the few political bright spots in an otherwise dark future.
Not a Sonos.
While I like the sound of my Sonos One, their app fucking sucks, and you have to use it to do anything (and I am supremely patient with technology). I am so close to just trashing it and the only thing stopping me is that I don’t yet have a replacement for it.