Talk is not action. Not even close. Lots of nice people, who are hoping that, somehow, Canada will save them by distracting His Maga-sty or taking them in if the US collapses, or both. A very few trying to take an actual action or two. I’m not holding my breath: one of the main effects of social media seems to be to convince people that merely expressing an opinion constitutes action.
Only if you name is Navalny or Mandela, Pankhurst or Wałęsa.
Talk is not action. Not even close. Lots of nice people, who are hoping that, somehow, Canada will save them by distracting His Maga-sty or taking them in if the US collapses, or both. A very few trying to take an actual action or two. I’m not holding my breath: one of the main effects of social media seems to be to convince people that merely expressing an opinion constitutes action.
Only if you name is Navalny or Mandela, Pankhurst or Wałęsa.