Oh yeah for sure. Linking American news good job lol
Oh yeah for sure. Linking American news good job lol
Only fucking stooges think that you moron. Canadas identity has been the same for a century
I’m gonna tell you unfortunately that if we did have that, we would have had the conservatives from 2019 onwards soooooo… Yeah, people can be fucking dumb still.
Just yesterday I heard THREE stories of Canadians down in Minnesota and getting their fucking car spray paintiled with TRUMP. And people pulling up to the yelling at them to go home. Coworkers down there fishing and getting yelled at to go home because of raising their hydro prices… the day after Doug Ford reversed his decision. I never want to see another American in our fucking country again, the absolute fucking ignorance.
Any American reading this, we don’t FUCKING CARE of you DidNT vOTe FOr hIm. Don’t fucking come up here, and stay the fuck down there until you sort your shit out. Goddamn moronic cowards letting a tyrannical government fuck up not only themselves but the resr of the free world.
We don’t care if trump is gone, we don’t care if the tariffs are released, we aren’t friends anymore. We will mind our business and you mind yours, we will make friends else where.
It was what she wanted to SEE. Very clearly messaging towards people to not vote conservative aka the party that wants to completely dismantle it. Why are you getting so worked up over this lol
Oh 100%. But for a full fledged WAR? It takes a lot of congressional and public will power to do that. Just saying that for them to go ahead and declare war so easily with zero public insight, would cause them to rip themselves apart
It had been said before… Like a month ago. And how can they promise anything when parliament is prorouged? There’s a limit to what the federal government can and cannot do without parliament right now.
Not everything is a “NeOLIbeRaLs” problem.
Yup. But there is zero fucking chance we would let them take this place willy nilly. I will die before I yield any land to these facist thugs. As our countrymen and women fought before us, we will remain the true north strong and free, or we will DIE to defend it. The dreams of this great country of ours will never die
The CBC came out already saying they want to see their funding doubled so they can provide even more journalism and provide CBC gems ith no ads without the paid option.
Honestly what infrared the most from that dough boy. He would talk tough and fucking act like he’s got balls, and then once another person get a LITTLE bit more aggressive he whimpers like a like bitch. Goddamn Ford you were right on the cusp of gaining a lot of conservative voters if you continued to hold up your end of the bargain.
The USA needs congressional approval to officially go to war against another sovereign nation. Like with Afghanistan or Iraq. BUT Republicans control the house and Senate, and sure if they’re that fucking delusional they could vote for it. But with that being said, it would 100% rip America apart and they fucking deserve it. Not only would we not put up with that shit and I would gladly shoot any foreign soldier on our land, it would mean the Russians getting exactly what they wanted.
Americans reading this, GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER or you or your friends are going to start fucking dying on our fucking land for no other reason than a fat orange fucks vanity. You will be ostracized by the developed world and I for one will never fucking forgive you.
Conservative Americans in shambles reading this as they find out that we do Infact own guns in Canada and are proud to own them. We just don’t get all fucking pussy about not being able to own fully automatic ones with 50 round magazines lol.
Lol they should fucking stay in South Korea. They are definately in the minority, it’s a larger minority then most of Canadas opinion but goddamn they are still a minority. Should have told them to never fucking come back
I want the conservative party to be banished to the basement of parliament never to return. I knew the moment PPbwas out with the convoy truckers egging them on and calling them “real Canadians” that he was a huge piece of shit
Honestly I really hated that Ford won the election but goddamnit I’m giving him an Atta boy. He’s holding up his promise and I’m all for it. Really says something when the brother of the crackhead mayor of Toronto is making you look like an absolute shithead.
Good on you Doug, now get everyone a doctor, fuck your dumbass tunnel, and twin that highway around Lake Superior and Build more rail and approve more renewable energy projects to make us more independent for our energy
I do believe we have a system for that now thought the digital tax act that JT and the liberals along with the NDP AND bloc pushed through. Allows us to levy taxes on tech companies and I think it was meant for exactly this
I’m not joking when I just saw a YouTube ad of of Justin Trudeau when he was younger and then overlapping with Mark Carney and a voice saying Justin Trudeau and Mark Carney they’re the same person and then it flashed up with the Buffalo project so I looked them up and they’re absolute Western separatists who want to create the Buffalo pension plan where they take all of Saskatchewan and Alberta’s taxes and then keep them to themselves so they can have their own little pension plan exactly like Danielle Smith tried to do in Alberta it’s a complete sham. You will probably see that ad soon on your YouTube and be on the lookout for it because it’s absolutely f****** disgraceful.
“CarboN TaX CaRneY” bro stfu he’s literally getting RID OF THE CONSUMER CARBON TAX. So it only leaves big Corps footing that carbon levy AS THEY SHOULD. PP just fucking showed that he would have indeed, gotten rid of the entire tax and not just the consumer portion.
What a fucking joke, how could anyone still support this wet blanket of a conservative lol
Deep inhale brother. You’re almost at the light
Take a look at: provincial responsibilities