wouldn’t say native Americans have done as well as Uyghur, or received as much investment and job creation.
First of all, I think you are ignoring the actual abuse of human rights that occurred. Secondly, you haven’t established that the Uyghur have received any actual benefit, you’ve just given statistics about the region, which they are no longer the majority ethnic group. I’ve already established that Han immigrants are the main benefactors of the government’s investment in the region. Lastly utilizing job creation is not a metric for determining human rights abuse. Technically more natives have “employment” as we typically define it today, because there weren’t jobs before. That doesn’t mean the abuse is valid.
I would say that giving them all US land ownership is not an option to undo injustice
And no one made that claim… I was using it as an example of how illogical your claim was.
Ahh, so the goal post has been moved… Your initial claim was that it was all propaganda, now it’s that the abuse doesn’t justify sanctions.
As I originally claimed, those who deny the abuse only do so utilizing logical fallacy. Glad we ironed that out.
Again, another goal post moved. Now you do not deny the abuse, you just think it’s validated.
You are not arguing in good faith, it’s always the same bullshit.
Well, judging by you prior post I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m guessing your not even from Canada considering you penchant for Russian nationalism. Your English has improved in the last four months though, so you got that going for you.
Btw, just a tip. Refrain from utilizing the same negative descriptors E.G demonic, pig, nazi. It’s a pretty dead giveaway that you’re utilizing a second language.
I’m not a nationalist, I don’t support America’s foreign policy, nor can you change my opinion about other nations foreign policy. Plus, I’m pretty sure we’re far enough down the thread where no one else is really looking, so you can drop the act if you wish too.
I’m mainly just curious, what region are you from? And do you actually make a living posting on here, or are you just doing this out of boredom?