No, you’re absolutely correct! I meant it more along the lines of the “We take nothing by conquest” rhetoric, which is equally hypocritical considering the reality. I didn’t really want to add an “/s” to the statement… Yes, the US killed a lot of people in Mexican territory, but then they made up a treaty and paid $15mil for half of the land 🤷 (heavily simplified).
But it’s 2025, and I’m honestly not sure if the geopolitical climate is in a better or worse state than it was 170 years ago. And if not worse on average, it’s definitely widely polarized.
I’ve switched to EasyDNS as well, over from AWS.
If you’re on the lower-tier/unicast plan, have you had any issues with MX records for email? I set up mine ~10 days ago, and A, CNAME, and most TXT records are working flawlessly, but anything email-related fails to resolve 30% of the time (checked through 3rd party DNS lookup tools, as well as just sending/receiving test messages seeing what gets through).