The word maritime means of or near or on or dealing with the ocean. So he made a pun by replacing it with Merit, which is about how worthy or how good at stuff someone is, or if someone deserves something.
It’s a pretty good pun!
ADHD advocate, former certified peer recovery specialist (specializing in suicide ideation when comorbid with neurodivergence.)
I don’t usually pay attention to whichever instance I’ve drifted into from all, so if you see me in a weird place, that’s why!
The word maritime means of or near or on or dealing with the ocean. So he made a pun by replacing it with Merit, which is about how worthy or how good at stuff someone is, or if someone deserves something.
It’s a pretty good pun!
I really hope he chuckled to himself over Meritime because that’s excellent. That’s good work right there.
I went ahead and got you all a link to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.
Which was a rather famous fire that killed so many people, because the stairwells were locked.
Please remember that OSHA rules are written in blood.
My walking eye is so dirty!