That’s when it became clear to me that he really likes to think he’s the smartest guy in all the rooms. Plus having all the money, he can surround himself with sycophants that will keep inflating his already-oversized ego. He had zero reason not to protect that launchpad properly (oh wait–$$$$), it was like a preview to his reckless DOGE forays.
That was a colossal fuck-up that he has apparently swept under the rug (or just piled enough shit on top of it to get people to forget it in favor of more shocking news). He’s not as smart as he likes to think he is, and that destroyed launchpad was a very good example of what kind of damage that sort of thinking can lead to.
Just wait until he gets that team of cracker-jack 20-somethings from DOGE to wield their towering intellect for the good of Spacex. We’re gonna travel to new galaxies 🥴
Or maybe he’ll just blow up a lot of launchpads and rockets and make some excuses. Maybe even blame Ukraine and transgenders somehow. Who knows?! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯