This has been the history of the US for the past 100 years
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
This has been the history of the US for the past 100 years
Social media should be as highly regulated and controlled as TV, newspapers, magazines and any other printed media
NDP supporter here … but I’ve always enjoyed Chretien as a solid leader with a goofy side. It’s amazing for me because I’m indigenous and Chretien was the leading edge of wanting to remove native rights in the 70s as minister of indian affairs … but I still love the guy because he good at heart and I looked up to him in the 90s as prime minister. Lots of respect for him for leading Canada.
Saying all that though … I’m still an NDPer
This would be like if Canada got rid of all national newspapers, news broadcasters and news organizations and instead handed the responsibility of delivering the news to the people of Canada to one company owned by one billionaire who isn’t even Canadian.
We would never allow that to happen … but the fact that X exists and has so much power over people … we essentially made this possible.
Turns out the detective had been chatting with himself the entire time
If we’re using star wars themes … the US is more like Palpatine who somehow just keeps coming back to make everyone miserable.
There ain’t no you in United States
He dropped it on the floor and bent over to pick it up and ripped open his pants instead
I’m Indigenous and I have two relatives who joined the Canadian armed forces and I know a few other Indigenous people who joined over the years. My two relatives left after a year or two of being accepted and most of the other Indigenous people have also left. All of them complained about just rampant racism or at the very least just subtle racism everywhere with lower levels up to the officers and leaders.
Personally, I grew up in the 80s and 90s as a kid and I often though of going to the military but my parents and grandparents alwyas discouraged us. They had the memory of watching their parents and grandparents join the first and second world wars, either have their family killed, wounded or nearly killed but at the very least forcibly or coerced into going, promised money and help after, and given nothing when they returned. Our elders always said that if any war ever starts again, they’ll ask us to fight it, die for it but either give us nothing for it or very little for any sacrifice we make for them.
Most middle aged Native people like me feel the same. We remember how racist the Canadian military was in the past … we know how racist the Canadian military is currently now … why would we want to join this terrible organization that degrades us, yet asks us to sacrifice ourselves to it?
Like Drump … this idiot is more bark than bite …
‘hey folks, I’m gonna kinda sorta maybe defend you … and even if I don’t, I’ll tell you that I did a year from now’
I have one friend who is a doctor and he often reminded me that if I don’t need to go to a hospital … don’t
One of the reasons he said this was to tell me that if anyone ever asks a surgeon how to solve a medical problem … they’d recommend surgery
and like your comment suggests … if you ask the police to solve a problem, they’ll arrest people first and probably shoot or beat people in order to solve a problem.
No better group to entrust a journalists credibility than a large community of independent group of trained, experienced and accredited journalists.
Police are basically just bull dogs with blinders that only see threats and their only response to threats is to attack or kill.
Turnip: … I already sent you the email yesterday, it’s full of so many details, great things!
Immediately starts typing out the email he didn’t send
In case anyone is wondering about who owns POSTMEDIA NETWORK
Top Shareholders:
Postmedia Network Canada Corp.
Millions of beavers who generate income from damming rivers in northern Canada to generate water power and create irrigation for southern farmers. Don’t make fun of them … they have sleeper cells all over North America that will down a tree on your house or car or public building.
It’s a good thing they can’t read these comments
They had to immediately withdraw the order as they realized that most Americans would not be able to pass the same test.
As an Indigenous person from northern Ontario … GOOD!
My family traded with the Hudson Bay Company for generations in furs from the north. I remember my dad trading furs just before the whole industry collapsed in the 70s. My parents barely made a living from the furs yet they had to negotiate and fight and argue with every shipment they gave. Those store managers were just as terrible as the ones you read in history books.
Not to mention they were the only store operating in many native communities in the north … so with the monopoly in a community, they had the freedom to set the price for anything and everything and make way more profit than they should have.
I celebrate the demise of the HBC … it’s historically a terrible company for native people.