Know which news sources are truly Canadian owned, and which are American owned. Once you’ve narrowed that down, figure out which sources are owned by rich Canadians who might be profiting from uncertainty or hostility.
Know which news sources are truly Canadian owned, and which are American owned. Once you’ve narrowed that down, figure out which sources are owned by rich Canadians who might be profiting from uncertainty or hostility.
Sometimes it’s nice to dream.
I keep in mind that, unlike in many countries, our military pledges an oath to the Constitution, not to a person.
We are. Even though a lot of us didn’t vote for him, the shame remains.
We know that new(er) cars have spyware controlled by some government or corporation. If my privacy is going to be violated, I’d rather have a hostile gov/co do it. I’m not a government employee. When it comes to national security, I’m a complete nobody. I don’t give a shit what Beijing knows about my life, because they don’t care, and probably won’t share info with the West. Maybe they’ll share it with Russia, but again, that’s irrelevant to me.
I want Washington (and, to a much lesser extent, Ottawa) to know as little as possible, because I don’t trust them, and it’s much, much easier for them to make my life difficult if they want to.
I’d like to hear your opinions on this take.
It would be best if Canada could just fend for itself. As we’ve seen, even relationships that seem rock solid can change very quickly.
Buying from the U.S. would be the worst possible choice.