You have oil. Always look at what he or putin sees as bringing in lots of cash.
I make art that’s totally mine because I did it through AI.
You have oil. Always look at what he or putin sees as bringing in lots of cash.
Ya know, if it’s not in line with your thinking.
I can delete it if you want.
Small FYI, a lot of Americans think Reuters is American, but it’s owned by a Canadian billionaire.
Do you want me to go through the settings for you? It’s super easy. There are dots or a “hamburger” below my name and off to the right on the website design. It will say “block user” there.
Kisses, and you should block me if my comments upset you so much. It’s super easy on lemmy.
So you have the same problem as us. I think in the olden days, our corrupt politicians and elites colluded with the world’s corrupt politicians and elites, and had a good laugh how they set it up in their favor.
Okay, I’m not jealous of the 4 year part unless it has some hidden benefit. Maybe moving that slow keeps it stable?
Thanks for explaining that. It sounds like a better system in that you can force an election at any time. I’m jealous of that right now.
I know the PR and propaganda machines have been going after Canada. I really hope you guys don’t get forced or go willingly down the same road as us. I’ll be looking for that Poilievre person to not be in the running.
Oh, got ya. It hasn’t happened yet. Good luck to you fighting our stupid economic wars that we, the US, are certain to lose.
Did you just put a conservative in power? Have you learned nothing from us in the US.
They’re already the movie and TV show making capital. They’ve got a head start.
I don’t recommend watching it, but I’m glad it’s not scrubbed.
What happened to that video of trump sucking putin’s feet? Was it scrubbed from the internet?
This is not the onion, but Desantis might go after him. It could all be a stunt, of course.
From the Miami Herald article:
But Tate’s claim that the Romanian case against him was dismissed in December isn’t true. While a Bucharest court ruled that the first criminal case could not proceed due to legal and procedural irregularities, the charges against the Tates remain in effect. What’s unclear is how further cases will proceed now that the Tates are back on American soil.
Ya know, I didn’t really feel like our economy was bad just a couple of months ago. We were having problems because of bird flu, so price of eggs went up. But other than that, just a couple of months ago, we weren’t doing too bad. I can’t put my finger on what’s changed, but it will come to me.