Just like how noone was punished for the great recession as corporations grabbed people’s homes. They are salivating over the idea of doing that at a massive scale.
Just like how noone was punished for the great recession as corporations grabbed people’s homes. They are salivating over the idea of doing that at a massive scale.
“We have the bestly miltary in the whole world. The most hugley forces. But the radicals are keeping america weak with their woke M16 and their M4 rifles. But not anymore I have the best people working on it. And they are bringing us the greatest thing I tell you. The AK107 will be issued to ever able body man so we can rid of the woke mob invading our great country!”
You made no points other than “why have any other access points then a single location?”
Idk, probably because even a single location is inaccessible to most people? If they can access the “$300” ones… why cant they accesss the affordable ones?
“Why have more than one voting location when the majority lives in one area”
Does that sound logical to you?
Let me guess… microsoft designed it.