China is selling these at cost or lower to put competitors out of business. They deserve to be tariffed. There are also reports of forced labor being used to build these. Wouldn’t want to drive something made that way.
China is selling these at cost or lower to put competitors out of business. They deserve to be tariffed. There are also reports of forced labor being used to build these. Wouldn’t want to drive something made that way.
Are any polls legit these days? Seems like poll by cold call, text, or email/website would be skewed and a waste of everyone’s time.
Higher profit margins.
Europeans get the bulk of cheaper and smaller EVs. Meanwhile in North America, Ford stopped selling sedans. It’s a niche that car makers could fill if they wanted to.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
As much as I hate Elon, this is a terrible idea. Cheap Chinese trash mobiles built by Uyghur slave labor are not the answer.
How about we build cars in Canada instead?
Would Canada be interested in joining the EU? Might make sense considering what a bad neighbor the US has become.
Because if they name the manufacturer in the headline, you might not click through and see the embedded ads.
I’m not seeing a lot of this thankfully — makes me wonder if a lot of these anti-Canada posts are coming from a particular instance I’ve already blocked.