For such a great nation of farmers, we need more cereal Production in Canada.
For such a great nation of farmers, we need more cereal Production in Canada.
Trump’s pea brain has moved on to other stuff, he will be busy in middle East and try to pretend he never did this tariff nonsense.
If US automakers move out, Canada will just move another brand in, Honda, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes, lots of options. There will be a huge opening in the truck market too.
We are currently looking at a new truck and had decided on a Ford F150, just waiting until summer, but now, the decision process has reopened, and I will be considering any non-US made truck. Just need alot of towing capacity which seems to be the catch…
His companies rely on government subsidy and will fail without them.
He is the ultimate hypocrite.
I’m assume cashier was a dual citizen or on visa, so they don’t have any skin in the game. Canadians who are born here and single citizenship are taking this alot more seriously than those who have a plan B if this country gets destroyed, which is understandable.
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Just because you put kill switches in the ones you sell
That right there is what it is. I can almost guarantee this to be the case, as a Canadian I have always opposed the F-35’s. We need twin engine for our Arctic climates and who cares about stealth when you are defending your territory. We aren’t an aggressive country.
I love how his response is to hurt America even more, lol, this guy is a goon. How embarassing for Americans.
Not sure how this is even a question? He was employed by RCMP, created the course using RCMP resources while being employed by RCMP - even if he did use parts from this other book, it becomes RCMP property the second he adds it while employed by him.
On the flip side perhaps he stole knowledge and resources earned from his time at the RCMP to write his book and work with this other company during his leave.
I mean the road goes both ways.
Now it might make sense to some as to why Conservatives want to kill off the CBC so bad.
If US attacked Canada it would be a nightmare for them. Canada is huge. If you think Russia is having a hard time in Ukraine thst is just a small taste of it.
We def need to cancel the f-35 program.
Trump has destroyed American exceptionalism.
I would love to see Canada rebuild their ship building industry and expand Atlantic and Pacific fleet as well as create some world class Arctic icebreakers.
Skilled hands would be welcome, let’s hope it happens.
Maybe this will wake up the loser Conservatives I know that Trump is not your friend or somebody you should ever support or agree with…
Dare to dream.
We should have tried harder to save bombardiers commercial jet program, time for a reboot. A new regional carrier plane with locally made parts would be great.
I’ve been making eggs Benny because eggs are so cheap I might as well use a few of them on just the sauce to accompany my eggs.
PP is lost when he can’t wage a culture war on someone…
Do Canadians want Trump lite, because this is how you get a Trump lite.