It’s a problem to me if it make me feel full with one banana. I want to extend the taste pleasure for the longest posdible time
It’s a problem to me if it make me feel full with one banana. I want to extend the taste pleasure for the longest posdible time
The two party system that make usa citizens keeping switching between the two party everytime they get disapointing. It was bound to happen that the worse of the worse get in power regsrdless of external interference
Or maybe because trump want canadian politician that allow him to do whatever he want
The USA will probably try too
Zionism was never possitive. It is a supermasist ideology that it’s people think jews has priority over any other ethenic group that lived in the area to own the whole land. The term zionism come from zion a specific hill in jerusalem.
Early zionists leader admitted that there goal what occupation. Israel first prime minister said that after they gather army they would expand to whole palastine
With us potential stop following the us due to trump we may finally admit it
But we were fine with the usa destroying multiple countries, participating in many coups and supporting Israel for decades.
I like memorion on android, it looks like a more user friendly anki with ability to import deck from it and many other language apps
It is 15$ more expensive for the pin nuts
I don’t know why it is a lot more expensive to buy from their website compared to amazon
We need to start manifacturing electronics