Funny as this is, I was hoping to read what they actually did and who ended up in prison for fraud … but thanks for the giggles … we need more of that in our lives.
Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.
#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork
Funny as this is, I was hoping to read what they actually did and who ended up in prison for fraud … but thanks for the giggles … we need more of that in our lives.
They already have your personal information 😇
The 2021 census suggests otherwise.
If I understand the wording correctly, of the 8.3 million responses, 5.4 million identify as Christian, 2.3 million don’t identify with a religion, the remainder list a variety of religions, each of which are tiny numbers by comparison.
Our planet is in a sad state when a headline like this could actually be real and the author of it needs to be commended for making the observation in such an effective way.
Skirting the edge of self hosting, I was faced with this question last month. I ended up with a Ubiquity UCG Ultra. It has all the network management tools on-board and for the first time in a long time I can manage my network from anywhere on the planet.
Access can be via a web UI, or an app.
To save money and storage, you can use the bricks of cocaine intercepted at the border … silver lining.
So … sanctions and tariffs?
The boundary of where to host what, is not fixed. You cannot host the internet at home. Where people sit on the spectrum varies depending on skill, resources and need.
I highlighted several options that provide a solution for someone with limited skills and resources.
You could host a CALDAV server or a next cloud at home and use the suggestions I provided, or you could use those hosted by someone else.
My answer was to provide ideas, not a how-to guide, answering, in my opinion, exactly what OP was looking for.
That it doesn’t match your idea about solving the problem tells you that there are many ways to solve software problems. My suggestions had a low barrier to entry.
What’s your recommendation for OP?
Google Sheets will be a simple solution you can do for free.
The app “Track & Graph” is another.
I have been logging all my medical events using Tasker and a Google Calendar. Analysis is manual using graphviz.
I rarely use a docker container in production that I didn’t write the Dockerfile for. Once you understand how it works, you can write your own and install exactly what you want in the way you want it.
IF that’s what happened, then I suspect that the legal process will persue any breaches of the law, but I would not at all be surprised if the end result is anything more than a slap on the wrist with a feather.
However, do you realise that this was a satirical article?
As far as I know, the investigation hasn’t concluded.