This is the first article I’ve seen mention that the plan for interprovincial liquor sales is about direct-to-consumer sales.
It’s a good thing, but I’m not sure how transformative it would be. The cost of shipping would easily exceed the price of beer or wine. Spirits would maybe be the product category that direct-to-consumer sales would make the most sense on. But even a $50 bottle of gin would cost nearly that much to ship from BC to Ontario.
SNC Lavalin, We charity scand, ethics violations, going back on his marquee promise of electoral reform and thereby salting the earth on the topic for a generation, weak response on foreign interference, Indigenous people’s life expectancy going down instead of up during his tenure despite the tone of the party’s messaging, inappropriate response to the Portapique shooting, their handling of protests and strike busting, there are more. A person doesn’t need to dip very deep to find reasons to not like Trudeau and his tenure.
I think even Liberals have good reason to dislike Trudeau, for hanging on as long as he did when it was obvious he was polling as low as he was, leaving a leadership vacuum during a critical political transition to the South.
I think the people who ‘hate’ him seem irrational. Unfortunately, that small minority of people obscure what should be proper criticism of his policies and choices.
It’s sad that we’ve come to expect Liberals to be corrupt and self-dealing, and seeing that expectation used as an excuse for their leaders is fucking depressing.