Opening the image before reading the caption: Why is there a tiny ledge extending over that train line on the platform at California station?
I’ve read your comment and looked back and I still see a train station. What is it supposed to be?
This is depicting empty metal shelving. What looks like rails for a train is the lip of a shelf. What looks like the near-side of the tracks is the floor, and what looks like the far side of the tracks is the top of the shelving. That little balcony seems to be some place for displaying featured products of some sort.
Definitely hard to break the image of a train platform though.
…but why do the shelves look like they incinerated the bottles in-place?
The Snap but only for American bottles.
Ikr. This photo is such a mind fk haha
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Look at the far right of the image where there’s products on the shelves, it’ll make more sense.
Even after the caption, my brain had to adjust for the human sized wine bottles waiting for their morning commute
Took me far too long to realise it’s a picture of shelves in a store and not a train station store 😂
And the people are lined up so neatly and colour-coordinated.
Silly, it’s america, there are no trains in California.
(There are, before anyone gets at me)
I legit thought this was a photo of a train station
I can’t see it any other way. Those are some massive wine bottles.
Next stop, devastation of Kentucky’s economy.
At least someone is brave enough to say it!
Also what’s up with the suicide gangplanks.
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After reading your comment, I was trying to figure out what those and thinking they connect to the train doors or something.
I even saw this post earlier today 🤦
Your write some of the best essays I’ve read btw. I appreciate you.
Hopefully they can soon use that empty space for booze from other provinces.
I’d even take more Ontario wineries getting more shelf space
Friendship ended with drive through liquor stores now train station liquor store is my new best friend.
All these Europeans seeing train stations while us North Americans wish we had train stations.
Lol I thought it was cali’s BART
All that’s left to do is change the signage and put out wine from other European countries. EZPZ
Good. Canada is finally not just an economic appendage to the USA. Regardless of which party or president is running the show, Canadian politicians should remember how quickly they derailed us for their own gain.
I’ll buy a bottle of Crown Royal in solidarity.
Get some 40creek for much better whisky
Try 40 Creek Confederation Oak for a higher end Canadian whisky. It’s my favourite in the $70 range
I’m partial to the copper pot. It’s just so good for that price range.
I tried that one when I visited their distillery last year. I thought it was pretty good, but it was a tasting and so the fact I also tried the Confederation Oak at the same time, probably didn’t help much. Maybe I’ll pick up a bottle the next time I want a cheaper whisky. I don’t really have a go-to Canadian at that price point, though I have been enjoying Canadian Club 12 Year recently. Way better than the regular CC, which I find to be a pretty boring drink.
I haven’t had Crown Royal in years. It used to be a pretty decent mid-shelf whiskey. Still?
We’ll find out this weekend!
i’ve ordered a box of Sortilège to Germany, that’s the good stuff
Dude! Hell yes. Try some in your coffee in the morning;)
oh wow this opens new possibilities 🤩
Literally the best. No creamer needed I find
i’ll report tomorrow after breakfast!
okay it’s just amazing, what have I done all these years 🤩
As a Californian whose mom is Canadian, I’m saddened but completely understand. A lot whole lot of us west coast folk stand with you brave northerners. For freedom and justice, stand up, fight back.
Great news for the economy in my home state (Cali).
no photo, or link attached to this post, just the post title. maybe it’s because on on mbin?
Been like this for a while here. Every few posts just have a title and absolutely nothing else. Using mbin.
If they aren’t selling their inventory then they are just taking a loss throwing it in the garbage? Brilliant.
Doubtful, it’s probably in storage or being sent back to warehouses. They’re likely betting on Orange Foolius folding in a couple weeks.
No reason to take a loss when it’s already paid for. Storing it will hurt the US more than destroying it then reordering a month from now.
I’m pretty sure the LCBO sells on consignment. They’ll just ship it all back.
It’s one of the benefits of being the largest single booze purchaser in the world.
Yep, this is it. The LCBO hasn’t bought any of it. It’s sold on consignment, so the producer only gets paid once it sells. They’re not losing any money here, and they’re not throwing it out.
Even better!
No, the provincial liquor control boards have enough buying power to negotiate the return of unsold inventory in their contracts. They don’t bear the risk of not selling, so for something like this, they’re contractually allowed to return all the unsold product for a refund (probably out the cost of shipping though).
someone has to