Outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addresses supporters in his final speech as Liberal leader soon before Canadians find out who the party has chosen as its new leader.
So who is Canada replacing him with, and will the new one bend the knee or continue to fight?
Mark Carney, who I strongly believe in when it comes to keeping up the fight
Yep, he’s the right man for the job right now.
That sounds promising.
As Liberal party leader, it’s Mark Carney, a former central banker and economic policy guru.
As Prime Minister, it remains to be seen. In theory, Carney could take over from where Trudeau left off before Parliament was prorogued. In reality, the opposition parties have already promised to topple the government and trigger an early election.
Our election cycle is much shorter than the USA’s, so even if there’s an election called tomorrow we’ll have a new government and PM by the summer.
And thank fucking God for a shorter election cycle
I remember the John Oliver bit where he laughs at how quaint it was when our media described a 45 day campaign as “grueling.”
His best campaign was his first one. His term started with so much promise. Alas promises he didn’t keep. Like taxing the rich. Tried to finally make up for it last year but that’s a little too late Justin.
Gonna get that proportional representation any day now.