As the title says, I’m looking for a Canadian replacement for Burt’s Bees, specifically their lip balm. Would like to stick with something that uses similar ingredients so that it feels similar.
I’m looking into Nova Scotia Fisherman, but thought I’d ask here if anyone knows of any other brands to check out!
Thanks for the heads up about fisherman brand. Never heard of them!
I remember Green Beaver’s lip balm being decent, but they’re not a stick like Burt’s. Just searching with you:
The well site turned up this gem.
Attitude brand looks promising too.
[edit to add scentuals. I haven’t tried their lip “conditioner” but have used other products from them in the past and been happy with em]
No problem, I just recently learned of them myself! Going to stop into a local drug mart this weekend as they show up as a retailers. I’ll check those other ones out too.
You can make your own. Buy beeswax at a local farmers market. There are a number of recipes and ideas out there and it can be kind of fun,.
Not a bad idea. Definitely looking for convenience at the moment, but that sounds like it could be fun down the road!
It’s very easy. I make a similar recipe for a wood finish that’s slightly more waxy than oily. Smells good while making it which is a nice bonus.
La Roche-Posay lip balm is the best imho. French company, so not Canadian.
Never heard of this company before. Are they online only?
No, a few drug stores should carry it, but it’s usually closer to the makeup section instead of the usual beeswax stuff.
Also beauty product shops might have it.
Another excellent European product is Weleda from Germany.
We switched to that for lip balm because Burt’s Bees has soy in it and we had a family member with a sensitivity.
For hand and body cream, we’re just trying Nova Scotia Fisherman now. So far, after just a couple of weeks, it’s great.
For facial skin care, have been using Maritime Naturals for a couple of years. Excellent product.
Epic Blend is a Canadian brand and their lip balm is the best I’ve had in a long time!
Will check this out too, thanks for the recommendation!
The Apothecary in Calgary has a series of lip balms made in-house, that all have beeswax in them (they have complete ingredient listings for all their products on their site)
The tins are approx. twice the price of a Burt’s tube, and you’re also getting ~3 times the volume of product, so it’s a decent trade off.
If there any hives around/outside your city, they may manufacture lip balms as well. Pop in if they advertise visits - or there may be a communal apiarist run shop like we have here - all the bee related products you could hope for, produced by the hives of the local beekeepers.
I forgot about this place! Looks like they have almond oil in their lip balms, so I can’t use them, but a good reminder to check out the rest of their stuff again.
I like Satya Organics which I originally ordered to combat perioral dermatitis but now whack on as a lip balm before a run. It’s also women and indigenous owned. They have a small travel tin (which you can refill if you get the home compost pouch) which doubles as a lipbalm