There are only three, maybe four tools in the conservative toolbox, and one of them is projection.
Trump just saved Canada from this guy. They might still get a minority but if everyone gets out and votes to block conservatives (yes that may mean holding your nose - I’d rather vote NDP but I’m not risking splitting the vote) they’ll never get a majority.
Sadly, he’s not stupid. He’s evil and cynical, and callously manipulating those who are stupid.
No, he actually is stupid, just not as much as his counterparts down south. The only legislation Pierre ever drafted Harper had to hire an army of consultants to walk him through it.
He’s being dogwalked by people smarter than him though. Make no mistake, Stephen Harper still has massive control behind the party, especially the religious wing. Anyone paying attention to Alberta politics knows that Project 2025 is already in Canada.
He’s very obviously not stupid. I don’t know what your standard is but you’re certainly being hyperbolic.
Whenever I have a hard time believing x, y or z can be this stupid, I look at the United States. And then I believe it.
And this predates Trump by decades too.
Anti-tax candidates have powerful supporters: people with money.
also people with no money
Only because of tv and social media campaigns paid for with money.