Even though Trump has now paused tariffs on some products until April, we’re still not about to spend a nickel to prop up the U.S. economy when its president has pledged to destroy ours. We don’t want to be doing any of this, and we know so many Americans who also wish none of this were happening. But this is our reality now.
Yep, that’s about it. But it’s not just our economy Trump has vowed to destroy, it’s our country.
He’s trying to destroy yours, but he’s actively destroying the US already.
Make sure your fellow countrymen know that, and don’t allow a wannabe dictator to come to power. It’s still not too late for you guys.
I’m Canadian, and I plan to never visit the USA again.
There is no “…until” for me. The world without the US is easily big enough for me.
Two places I always wanted to see were New Orleans and Hawaii. The latter might end up breaking away, but New Orleans is probably off my list forever.
I am with you on that. My regret is not visiting Yellowstone earlier…
Even with the orange turd gone, the people who elected him and empowered the republicans to do this mess are still there…
Honestly, same. I already cancelled Florida and Arizona trips for later in the year and told friends in Phoenix that I’ll likely never be back. We’ll probably make plans to meet up elsewhere.
This is the republican party now. And Trump may not even be the worst to come. We already see his goons waiting in the wings. Political whiplash is the new normal in the US, and i feel like we will see the division continue to exacerbate over the next few decades for them domestically until something gives.
I hope we in Canada take this new reality seriously and prepare ourselves appropriately as we enter the 30’s.
Yeah, New Orleans was also on my bucket list of places I wanted to visit. I had originally planned to go last year but then opted to go to Spain instead.
I don’t suppose I, an American, could convince y’all to come down to DC for a Burning of Washington “reenactment” could I?
We don’t so much advertise when we’re coming. Also, as per tradition, we’re usually drunk the whole time. It’s a whole thing.
hey whatever you gotta do. just make sure to properly evacuate dc residents. they’re not at fault here, they’re primary victims largely
If you would be so kind to pick some of us up along the way, I’ll make sure I have a bag packed with booze and other necessities here in Wisconsin. I want to get drunk and burn things with my Canadian friends. I love hanging out with you guys.
I was planning on visiting this year, but now my US travel plans are filed away alongside the Trans-Siberian Railway trip I should have done in the 00s. As much as there are places I’d like to visit, it’d be like going for a city-break to Munich in 1935.
Yep. My mom wants to see hanuama bay once more while she can still travel. #reasons. Remembrance.
We can’t go while it’s under Trump, so we wait until the US stops being weird or until the Kingdom tries to secede. She won’t go before then.
The odds aren’t good, but we’re hoping she’ll still be good to go then; and know she did.
Man, fuck Trump and his merry band of dirt-bags.
This is gonna last longer then Trnup is in power. This is a real, tangible, long lasting shift in Canada-US relations. That’s not going to be fixed or restored whenever Trump is out of office. There will be a successor to this US isolationist ideology. The faster we decouple, disassociate and diversify from the US in every way, the better.
When you consider that foreign relationships take many decades to forge, it’s unlikely that things will go back to the way they were for at least 20+ years.
If it ever happens.
And by then, the rest of the world would have already adapted to a life without the States, and many will be better off for it.
whenever Trump is out of office.
I love this kind of optimism.
He’s 78 years old and lives on fast food.
… And transfusions sourced from young donors, so it’s a wash.
I keep in mind that, unlike in many countries, our military pledges an oath to the Constitution, not to a person.
Majority of US army is in the Trump cult. There’s no reasons to think they’d actually follow their oath when they worship a guy who shits on the constitution every 5 minutes.
Sometimes it’s nice to dream.
My country swears to the crown and not the wearer. That’s why I’m still sworn despite the Queen’s passing.
Even my current oath as part of some contract work is to the region and not the [governor], and so long as not ordered otherwise by the crown. It’s two layers of office-not-officer.
The hamburgeralor is coming for him.
I’m American, and don’t blame you one bit.
I wont go until we can piss on his grave as part of a tourist attraction.
There will always be MAGAits protecting it though. Even long after the hamburgerlor gets him.
If I can’t get to the grave, I’d take pissing on a magait as a close second.
Honestly, I wasn’t comfortable going to the US ever since Trump got elected the first time. This is just another reason to never visit that place again. Would rather vacation somewhere in Canada, or if there’s a great travel deal, visit Europe.
Once you’re on the wrong end of the stick, you understand that the US isn’t a friend. Developing nations and non-white nations have known this for a long time. The biggest thing blinding the population are US media exports. US marketing is amazing, but now, it’s getting harder and harder to market shit.
As someone from latam is refreshing seeing that everyone on the world is learning what the US actually is.
I’m not from LATM, but same. I’ve been telling people for years that the US is not a net positive force in the world and people hold up whatever gadget they have and go “but they made this”. Yeah, on the backs of a bunch of poor people that you’ll never see nor care about, but because they’re not white, it doesn’t matter to you.
I think no country is someone’s friend … Everyone is there just for the gains
Because of my husbands work, we would often have to go out to NYC. I always considered it my second home. I also enjoyed travelling out to the west coast, specifically Manhattan Beach in California.
But theres always Paris to replace that void of NYC and pretty much anywhere else in the Mediterranean to replace cali. A definite upgrade. My husband had left the company a couple years back to start a new company — one based in Canada with some former execs. So we no longer need to go to NYC.
We will never be returning back. And on behalf of all my friends who faught in Afghanistan, America can get fucked.
After he’s dead and gone I STILL won’t be returning. Never again giving them a dime if I can help it.😡🇨🇦
While not Canadian - I’m currently rooting out all US services and products I’ve happily been paying for, cancelling outright or finding other alternatives.
I don’t see myself ever going back to happily buying US again.
I am currently trying to convince my employer to ditch Google and all associated services, as well as the US-based cyber security suites that are currently tanking the performance of all of our workstations. It would be nice if there was an easy replacement for Windows. Linux is a no-go for our IT people.
The only reason I would go to the USA would be to piss on trump’s grave.
The day that all the soggy burger-lettuce that’s holding him together finally gives out will go down in history as the 2nd time that ‘Ding Dong the Witch is Dead’ reaches number 1 in the UK music charts.
I’m honestly too fucking scared to as a foreigner
A German tourist took their tatoo pen/equipment on a trip to US. They were accused of trying to work illegally and jailed until the time of their prebooked return trip home.
I’m a programmer and i take my laptop everywhere… i’d be fucked!
First, “Unlock your laptop, or straight to jail”. Next, Emacs installed? Obviously straight to jail. Notepad++? Believe it or not, jail.
Don’t come back. Not because you’re not swell or anything, but because we truly won’t be better just because Trump is gone. The disease runs deep here, he’s just a symptom - an entire party stands firm behind him.
I’m Canadian And Love Visiting The U.S.
What is it so interesting there?
In the article
As a Canadian, I’m reeling from the unraveling of a relationship I once believed to be unshakeable — a bond between our two nations that felt secure and enduring.
It’s about the breakdown between two long time allies by one want-to-be US dictator working in the interested of Russia.
This is a historic moment. The US and Canada will never be the same again.
The US and Canada will never be the same again
As a Canadian I think, if we can weather the storm without Cheetolini going full “annex” mode, we’ll come out the other end better; more diversified and secure in trade relationships, and stronger on the world stage.
Canada is going to come out of this stronger thanks to Trump. We’re working on improving our in-country trade right now. We’re well liked in European circles and might end up in the EU. We’re building trade with other countries. I’m feeling pretty positive about our future without the US.
If the US continues to descend into madness, we’re going to be the country the USA brain drain ends up in. That will only help us.
Of course all of this depends on if the US decides to not go all Russia on us - which is going to wreck both countries.