But these parks are run by the provinces, not the Canadian government. The only parks in Canada that could be called “state parks” would be those run by Parks Canada.
all countries are states. a state is an entity,
some states band together into a federation of some sort. some are unitary, some are not. unitary means the same laws apply in all places, others have regional autonomy.
canada is a state, with subdivisions that it calls provinces
america is a state, with subidivisions that it calls states
russia is a mafia pretending to be a state, that has oblasts and others
Your country is a State
But these parks are run by the provinces, not the Canadian government. The only parks in Canada that could be called “state parks” would be those run by Parks Canada.
Fucking chud. Stop being an ignorant pedant.
It’s not. Never was, never will.
you misunderstood what they meant.
all countries are states. a state is an entity, some states band together into a federation of some sort. some are unitary, some are not. unitary means the same laws apply in all places, others have regional autonomy.
canada is a state, with subdivisions that it calls provinces america is a state, with subidivisions that it calls states russia is a mafia pretending to be a state, that has oblasts and others
That comment was “we aren’t going to become the 51st”
Someone doesn’t know English. Or are you saying that you dont have sovereignty?
How are you this ignorant of current events?
You know what you said, we know what your goal is. Let’s not confuse the multiple meanings of the word “state” here.