And the US.
They were already enormously successful with the US last year, so now onto its neighbors.
I mean the US will be targeting our election.
So they still have the necessary departments and employees to do that?
You mean the media you’ve seen every day your entire life? The news agencies that are owned by Americans perhaps? The social media platforms that millions of Canadians use every day? The American big box stores where you buy your kids clothes and dog food? The multitude of advertisements for American goods on your Canadian tv and radio stations maybe? No American influence here at all.
Welcome to the future where three letter agencies are replaced by two and four letter ones and American influence and exceptionalism has been fed to you so long it’s normal for you.
I think there’s still a difference between state and corporate based propaganda, no?
Not when the state is controlled by corporations and oligarchs that own all the media.
I think there’s still a difference between state and corporate based propaganda
Only in who benefits.
The targets of that propaganda are still diminished, regardless of who is manipulating them.
In a world where those things were separated, maybe.
That was my first thought exactly
Every democratic election is targeted. Some more than others.
Election interference, once a pretext for war, is SOP now.
And USA. Come on.
And Musk-rat.
The government has already admitted that there’s been evidence of tampering for over a decade now by China, though how significant of a swing that has isn’t known. I’d like to think it was quite minor, but who really knows.
On the other hand, Russia is pretty famous for its botnet attacks on the US elections for a while now, basically early AI based attacks. Their fingerprints are all over twitter during the last several elections, not to mention the biggest driver of quite a few conspiracy theories.
This isn’t a case of “very likely”, but rather practically guaranteed. The question is whether the countermeasures will be effective enough or not.
Vaccine hysteria, Fuck Trudeau protests, carbon tax, immigration hatred, CPC policies at provincial levels all had significant US/oil funding. CPC media support. Whether there are bot farms upvoting twitter posts, and who funds them, has very little impact on views of Canadians compared to the established politician and media amplifications of those messages.
Explicit anti-human disinformation spouted by US sponsored political establishment in Canada, should not be placed on same level as lobbying for peace or expanded trade narratives. The full partisan spectrum against peace is fully controlled by US and Israel lobbies. Baseless smears of unamed, unindicted, conspiracy theories that might spread an anti-warmongering narrative always gets published, and your/our programming, accepts it as confirmation of our programming, but really, it is simply ensuring that all of our politicians narratives comply with US subservience, and our enemies dictated by US, because any critical thinking/facts are just Iran/China/Russian propaganda that makes not wanting destroying Canada further, a foreign agent.
I get that you are trying to warn us about the states, but you are willfully ignoring all the other state and non-state actors who want to influence the election as well.
You are a red herring.
I’m telling you the fearmongering exists only to ensure subversion of politics/programming of Canadians to evil. This propaganada, when believed, strengthens the average idiotic person’s commitment to enemy status, ingrained by US, of those nations.
The divisive hatred in western politics, is an inherent function of decline and unsustainability. Oligarchy and US empire is happy to destroy themselves and allies to pillage what is left of the corpse. Pretending a few extra quarters of profits, and manufacturing/jobs can be restored through infighting, war, tax cuts, and climate destruction, is the extreme evil that is more easily controlled if all of our politicians are set to the path of evil. In an unsustainable world, eat the poor/immigrants/young makes complete sense when the old and rich understand what they are voting for, and the stupid don’t understand a hero pretending to save them (only after spending everything to lose a war on China and Russia) as inspiring enough to vote.
The vile disgusting destruction of Canada happens only because we limit not just influence on politicians, but that any humanist perspective can be labelled treason. Trade with China, peace with Russia and Iran? That will get more downvotes than upvotes around here, and so either the bot armies are against survival/prosperity, or you/we are collectively programmed to suicide.
Yes, yes, the US is the great evil.
But what about the other great evils?
Evil is a function of power. US greatest evil. Giving it a monopoly on evil disinformation in fact prevents anti-evil messages. Even blaming the “right wing playbook” throughout world on Russia, instead of pro conservative oligarchy is a big stretch. Where anti-war on Russia is a right wing point is just sanity. A monopoly on disinformation by US and its unanimous Canadian establishment allies, including the appoplectic foreign interference fears, just has different US interest disinformation pushed on all sides.
Ah yes. Be afraid of the big bad US, but never mind when others do what they are doing.
Seriously every thing you say about the US is true for a number of other states that have their own interests in respect to Canadian policy.
You aren’t to be taken Seriously.
Peace and trade vs war and no trade not approved by US, is what got us into this mess/decline. Interests and agendas aren’t evil in themselves. US is inherently evil.
How can I help fight this crap?
Use an adblocker and avoid social media. Use only official sources of information (i.e. party’s official website, elections canada, etc.).
Avoid news that’s either American owned, heavily bias (left or right), or seems influenced to post clickbait.
Defend CBC to your family and friends and coworkers if you can. We’re probably not really the target audience for misinformation, but they might be,. Their votes count and they can spread that misinformation too
This. I used to kinda get why people hate on CBC. But now? It’s needed more than ever.
Honestly I’ve never actually needed to defend them to anyone in person.
I have, it’s exhausting because those who have fallen for the lie are about as quick as molasses on a good day.
Contact elections Canada about placing safeguards!
That’s a good idea, thank you
Inner Charlie Angus intensifues
And here in /c/Canada is just where we’ll see it.
I’ve heard reports it’s already ramping up on the Meta platforms.
You should encourage people off of the book of faces. One replacement is Mastodon on the server.
I know it is less friendly than the Zuk’s system but it is not hosted by an US server.
I recentely deleted all my meta accounts. Still a few weeks until its permanent.
The Hybrid War really ramps up close to an election. We’ve had some pretty serious attacks during a the last elections. Germany held and Romania as well. Though the latter had to take some really serious action. Hopefully your security services can keep a lid on it.
Well yeah, duh.
They left out the Trelon administration.
Nah, “trelon” sounds way too cool for them. They don’t deserve that. I’d go with E-lump. It sounds more stupid and revolting (to me at least)
[EDIT] WHOA wait, is that a triple portmanteau of Trump/Elon/Felon?
Consternation about election interference from everyone except US and Israel, makes it much cheaper for the latter to buy our election winners. Headline is also equivalent to saying anyone opposed to war is a secret agent of these countries. War can never be a demented evil that costs Canadians in their “force amplification” role, opposition to war can only be pro enemy (that the US/Israel told us should be our enemy).
They aren’t the only ones. And all the bot farms from all the countries that do this are getting ready.
Focusing on the US and Israel will leave you blinded to china, russia, Saudia Arabia, and anybody else that wants our country to do worse.
we are open to such “attack paranoia” only because we have let the US tell us they are enemies. KSA is back to an ally again, btw.
All of those countries are going to be running influence operations on Canada in the comming election.
Don’t have your head in the sand like the tankie you are.
First of all, complete BS of such a future would be published independently of any truth of it, or factual fears. Publishing this makes sure that you only support US and Israel sycophancy, and any resistance to it is proof that “I/you are a tankie”. This is how propaganda works.
You are willfully ignorant.